
Antwerp is a key city in Belgium renowned for its significant impact on the global diamond industry.

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Located in Belgium, Antwerp is widely acknowledged as the diamond capital of the world, playing a pivotal role in the diamond trade. For centuries, it has served as a major trading hub for both rough and polished diamonds, with a vast majority of the world's diamonds passing through the city at some point in their journey from mine to market. The city is home to thousands of diamond businesses, including traders, cutters, polishers, and retailers, creating a comprehensive ecosystem that covers all facets of the diamond industry. This concentration of expertise ensures that Antwerp remains at the forefront of the diamond trade, innovating in craftsmanship, trading practices, and ethical standards. With its deeply entrenched history and unparalleled influence in the diamond market, Antwerp continues to symbolize excellence, tradition, and trust in the global gemstone community.

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