Art Nouveau

An international style of art, architecture, and decorative arts, especially popular from 1890–1910, characterized by intricate linear designs and flowing curves based on natural forms.

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Art Nouveau, originating in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, is recognized for its embrace of natural forms, turning them into elegant designs that curve and flow with an organic ease. This style permeated a range of crafts, including jewelry, where it inspired pieces that featured motifs from nature such as flowers, vines, and animals, often intertwined in elaborate, sinuous patterns. Jewelry of the Art Nouveau period stood apart for its creativity and the emphasis on craftsmanship and beauty over the intrinsic value of materials. Designers of the Art Nouveau era favored techniques that allowed for the expression of artistic freedom and innovation, making use of materials ranging from precious metals and gems to glass and enamel, to realise their visionary designs. The aesthetic of Art Nouveau jewelry has endured, continuing to influence contemporary designs with its distinctive and timeless appeal.

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