Black Diamonds

Black diamonds are unique gemstones, known for their dark allure and remarkable durability, making them a favorite in contemporary jewelry designs.

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Black diamonds, often referred to as 'Carbonado', are a natural form of diamond characterized by their deep black color and distinctive luster, resulting from the presence of graphite and amorphous carbon, as well as minor inclusions of sulfides. Unlike traditional diamonds which are valued for their clarity and sparkle, black diamonds are appreciated for their opaqueness and toughness, which is attributed to their polycrystalline structure. This unique feature makes them one of the hardest materials, ideal for use in jewelry that encounters everyday wear and tear, such as engagement rings and bracelets. Their mysterious appearance and uncommon nature have also made black diamonds a symbol of power and strength, adding a modern and edgy twist to any piece of jewelry. Additionally, their rarity and the process required to bring out their best look contribute to the allure and oftentimes, the higher price point of black diamond jewelry, emphasizing both luxury and distinctive style.

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