Diamond Clarity

Diamond Clarity refers to the absence of inclusions and blemishes in a diamond, crucial for determining its quality and value.

Part of speech
Diamond Clarity is a critical factor in evaluating a diamond's overall appearance and value, denoting the presence or absence of internal inclusions and surface blemishes. These imperfections can range from tiny, almost imperceptible flaws to visible defects that affect the gem's beauty and structural integrity. The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) has established a clarity grading scale ranging from Flawless (FL), indicating no inclusions or blemishes visible under 10x magnification, to Included (I), where inclusions and/or blemishes are evident to the naked eye. Higher clarity grades signify fewer and less significant inclusions, enhancing the diamond’s brilliance as light can pass through it more freely. As such, diamonds of higher clarity grades are usually more highly valued, though many inclusions can only be detected by a trained eye, making clarity a complex but fascinating aspect of diamond selection.

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