
Engravable refers to the ability of a material or object to be marked with text or designs through the process of engraving.

Part of speech
The term 'engravable' is used within the jewelry industry to denote materials or items that are suitable for the art of engraving, a practice that involves incising a design onto a hard, usually flat surface, by cutting grooves into it. This can include various metals like gold, silver, platinum, and stainless steel, as well as other materials such as glass, wood, and some types of stone. Engravable items are popular for personalization, allowing for the addition of names, dates, messages, or special symbols that hold significance to the owner or recipient. The engravable attribute of a jewelry piece enhances its sentimental value, making it a preferred choice for gifts and commemorative items. The versatility and permanence of engraving make it an esteemed technique for adding a personal touch to both decorative and utilitarian objects.

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