
In gemology, a girdle refers to the outer edge or perimeter of a gemstone, marking the boundary between the crown and pavilion.

Part of speech
The girdle of a gemstone plays a crucial role in its setting and overall aesthetics. It is the widest part of the gem, essentially serving as the dividing line where the upper part of the stone, known as the crown, meets the lower portion or pavilion. The girdle's thickness varies among gemstones and can affect both the durability and optical properties of the stone. A well-defined girdle can help prevent the gemstone from chipping and ensures that it sits securely in its setting. Additionally, the finishing of the girdle, which can be polished, faceted, or left rough, can influence the gemstone's brilliance and how it interacts with light. Optimal girdle thickness is key for the stability and aesthetic appeal of gemstone jewelry.

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