
Jade refers to an ornamental mineral, mostly known for its green varieties, used in jewelry and artistic carvings.

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Jade is a term that encompasses two different minerals: nephrite, a calcium magnesium silicate, and jadeite, a sodium aluminum silicate. Both varieties are prized for their toughness and beauty, making jade a popular choice for both functional and ornamental objects. Historically, jade has held significant cultural value in various parts of the world, including Asia and the Americas, where it has been used in everything from jewelry to ceremonial items. Its color can range from pure green to shades of white, yellow, or pink, depending on its composition and the presence of trace minerals, offering a wide array of options for artisans and collectors. The preference for jade’s color and translucence varies globally, with some cultures particularly valuing the bright, emerald-green jadeite known as 'Imperial Jade'.

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