Maltese Cross

An emblem of a cross with four equal arms that broaden and terminate in a V shape, symbolizing the Knights of Malta.

Part of speech
The Maltese Cross is a symbol that originates from the order of the Knights Hospitaller, or Knights of Malta, and represents courage and bravery. The cross is characterized by its four equidistant arms that expand outward and are concave, resulting in a V-shape at each end. This distinctive shape has made the Maltese Cross a popular motif in various contexts, including jewelry design, where it serves as a decorative element imbued with historical significance and a sense of valor. The incorporation of the Maltese Cross in jewelry, such as pendants, rings, and earrings, often signifies protection and is worn as a symbol of faith and commitment to noble ideals. The design is versatile, appealing to those who appreciate both its aesthetic appeal and its rich historical and cultural implications.

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