Mother of pearl

Mother of pearl is a smooth, shining iridescent substance forming the inner layer of the shell of some mollusks.

Part of speech
Mother of pearl, also known as nacre, is the beautiful, iridescent material that lines the interior of certain mollusk shells, such as those of pearls and abalones. It is composed of aragonite or calcite, which are types of calcium carbonate, arranged in a crystalline structure that refracts light to produce its characteristic rainbow sheen. This material is highly valued in the jewelry industry for its unique luster and aesthetic appeal, often used as an inlay in jewelry and musical instruments, as well as in decorations and buttons. The subtle palette of colors that shimmer in mother of pearl range from soft whites and creams to pinks and grays, making it a versatile addition to various design projects. Its creation in nature, layer by painstaking layer, only adds to the allure and charisma of mother of pearl items, imbuing them with a sense of organic elegance and opulence.

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