
A negligee is a delicate type of jewelry designed to be longer than standard necklaces, often featuring multiple strands.

Part of speech
Originating from the French word neglige, which implies a neglect or disregard for strict dress codes, a negligee in the jewelry context is a piece that embodies casual elegance. Unlike the traditional, more formal necklace, a negligee features a deliberately asymmetric design with uneven lengths of strands, lending a more relaxed and subtle allure to the wearer's ensemble. This type of necklace often incorporates precious stones or pearls, arranged in a seemingly haphazard, yet visually captivating manner. The introduction and popularity of the negligee necklace in the early 20th century marked a shift towards more versatile and informal jewelry pieces, catering to changing fashion demands and offering a touch of sophistication without adherence to the rigid styles of the past.

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