
Plique-à-jour is a vitreous enameling technique in jewelry making that results in a stained-glass effect.

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The term 'plique-à-jour' refers to a specialized enameling process used in fine jewelry that creates translucent enamel panels without a backing, allowing light to shine through similar to stained glass. This technique involves applying enamel in the cells of a metal framework, which after firing, resembles miniature stained glass windows. Because there is no metal backing, the light passes through the enamel, enhancing the intensity and brightness of the colors. Plique-à-jour is celebrated for its delicate and intricate appearance, often found in Art Nouveau jewelry. Crafting plique-à-jour pieces requires a high degree of skill and craftsmanship, making such items highly prized among collectors and enthusiasts for their beauty and technical excellence.

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