
A pomander is a decorative object designed to contain perfumes or scents, historically worn or placed in rooms for fragrance and to ward off illness.

Part of speech
The term 'pomander' originates from the French 'pomme d'ambre,' meaning 'apple of amber,' a reference to its traditional composition including ambergris to carry scent. Initially used in the Middle Ages to protect against infection and to mask unpleasant odors, pomanders evolved into ornate accessories filled with aromatic substances like herbs and spices. Worn around the neck, carried in hand, or placed in closets and rooms, pomanders served both practical and aesthetic purposes. Today, they are appreciated as historical artifacts and for their enduring charm in home décor, symbolizing warmth, richness, and the ancient human desire for beauty and wellness. The variety of designs and materials, from precious metals to carved woods, reflects the cultural significance and craftsmanship devoted to pomanders throughout the centuries.

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