Popigai Crater

The Popigai Crater is known for one of the largest known deposits of impact diamonds in the world.

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Situated in Siberia, Russia, the Popigai Crater was formed by an asteroid impact approximately 35 million years ago. This colossal event resulted in the creation of a unique geological site that houses an extensive deposit of impact diamonds. These diamonds, formed under the intense pressure and heat of the impact, are characterized by their exceptional hardness and are primarily suited for industrial applications rather than as gemstones. The significant size and unique nature of the Popigai Crater's diamond deposit make it a subject of interest for both scientific research and potential industrial extraction, offering valuable insights into both planetary science and the potential for future resource utilization.

The Popigai crater, located in Siberia, Russia, is about 100 kilometers (62 miles) in diameter. The depth of the crater, from its rim to its present floor, is approximately 600 meters (about 1968 feet).

The Popigai crater in Siberia, Russia, has a diameter of approximately 100 kilometers (about 62 miles). This makes it one of the largest known impact craters on Earth.

The Popigai crater, located in Siberia, Russia, was discovered in 1946. It became well-known for its vast deposits of impact diamonds, formed by a meteorite impact about 35 million years ago.

The Popigai crater is located in Siberia, Russia. It lies within the Arctic Circle, to the east of the Yenisei River.

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