
Refraction in jewelry refers to the bending of light as it passes through a gemstone, impacting its perceived brilliance and color.

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The concept of refraction is fundamental in the analysis and appreciation of gemstones. It involves the change in direction of light as it moves from one medium to another, such as air into a diamond or sapphire. This physical phenomenon is a critical factor in determining a gem's brilliance—the way it sparkles—as the bending (refraction) of light maximizes the amount of light returned to the observer's eye. Furthermore, refraction can influence the dispersion of light within the gemstone, which is responsible for the display of rainbow colors, often referred to as 'fire' in diamonds. The specific refractive index of a gemstone is a key characteristic used by jewelers and gemologists to identify various stones, with each type of gem having a unique range of values. A higher refractive index generally implies a greater potential for brilliance and fire, making refraction a vital consideration in the selection and valorization of gemstones.

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