
In jewelry, 'regard' refers to a piece designed with gemstones arranged to spell the word 'regard', symbolizing a token of affection or esteem.

Part of speech
'Regard' jewelry emerged during the Victorian era, becoming a popular way to express sentimentality and affection through the language of gemstones. Each letter in the word 'regard' was represented by a specific gemstone: Ruby, Emerald, Garnet, Amethyst, Ruby again, and Diamond. This intricate symbolism allowed individuals to convey feelings of love and esteem discreetly. These pieces were often given as gifts and treasured as prized possessions, embodying both the aesthetic beauty of the gemstones and the depth of personal sentiment. In today's world, 'regard' jewelry retains its charming allure as a nostalgic nod to a bygone era, cherished for its romantic significance and historical value.

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