
A ruby is a precious gemstone known for its vivid red color, symbolizing love and passion.

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A ruby is a variety of the mineral corundum, distinguished by its deep red color, which is mainly caused by the presence of the element chromium. It's one of the most valuable gemstones in the world, prized for its hardness, durability, and rarity alongside its aesthetic appeal. The richness of its hue, often referred to as 'pigeon's blood' red, is the primary factor determining its value. Rubies have been historically significant, adorned by royalty and used to symbolize wealth and power. These gems are not only sought after for high jewelry pieces but are also believed to bring luck, protection, and love to the wearer. The major sources of high-quality rubies include Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, and Madagascar, each location producing stones with unique color shades and qualities.

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