Screw Back

Screw backs refer to a type of earring back that is securely threaded onto the post, enhancing the safety of the earring.

Part of speech
Screw backs are a popular earring back design characterized by a threaded post and a matching back that screws on securely, preventing the earring from slipping off unintentionally. This feature is particularly valued for its ability to provide a secure hold, making it an excellent option for expensive or sentimental earrings. The nature of the screw back mechanism requires a bit of extra time to put on and take off compared to push-back or snap-back closures but offers unparalleled security. It's a preferred choice not just for adult jewelry but also for children's earrings, as it minimizes the risk of loss. The added safety and peace of mind make screw back earrings a sought-after choice for those who prioritize security in their jewelry.

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