Self‐Winding Watch

A self-winding watch is a timepiece that harnesses energy from the wearer's motions to wind itself automatically.

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A self-winding watch, also known as an automatic watch, operates without the need for manual winding thanks to its mechanical movement that captures kinetic energy from the wearer's natural wrist motions. As the wearer moves, a rotor within the watch spins, transferring energy to wind the watch's mainspring. This innovative mechanism ensures that the watch continues running as long as it is worn regularly, making it highly convenient for daily use. Self-winding watches are admired for their engineering craftsmanship and are often considered a luxury item. Despite their dependence on wearer movement, these watches can also be manually wound to keep them running when not worn for extended periods. Their blend of functionality, sophistication, and the allure of mechanical intricacy makes them a favored choice among watch enthusiasts.

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