
Tsavorite is a vivid green variety of garnet, appreciated for its bright color and durability.

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Tsavorite is a type of garnet, famous for its striking green hue that ranges from vivid light green to deep forest green, attributed to vanadium or chromium content. Discovered in the 1960s in Tanzania and later found in Kenya, this gemstone has gained popularity for its brilliance and high refractive index, often compared to emerald but surpassing it in durability. Tsavorite’s resistance to scratching and breakage makes it a favored choice for all types of jewelry, including rings, necklaces, and earrings. Its natural green color does not require any treatments, enhancing its appeal to consumers looking for untreated gemstones. The combination of exquisite color, durability, and rarity makes tsavorite a sought-after gem for both collectors and jewelry enthusiasts.

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