Ultrasonic cleaning

Ultrasonic cleaning is a process that uses ultrasound and an appropriate cleaning solvent to clean delicate items, such as jewelry.

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Ultrasonic cleaning is a technique that employs high frequency sound waves (ultrasound) in conjunction with a cleaning solvent to remove dirt, oils, and other contaminants from delicate items, including jewelry. The ultrasound can be used with just water, but the use of a solvent appropriate for the item to be cleaned and the type of soiling present enhances the effect. This cleaning method is particularly effective for jewelry items, as it can reach and clean crevices and intricate details that are difficult to clean by hand or with other methods. Ultrasonic cleaners are widely used by professionals and at home to restore the brilliance of precious stones and metals without the risk of abrasion or the use of harsh chemicals, ensuring that delicate pieces are not damaged during the cleaning process.

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