
Cloisonné refers to a decorative art technique used in jewelry and other items, featuring enamel work within divided compartments.

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Cloisonné is an ancient technique for decorating metalwork objects, in recent centuries using vitreous enamel. The technique involves first adding compartments (cloisons in French) to the metal object by affixing wires or thin strips placed on their edges. These compartments are then filled with enamel paste made from powdered glass and heated until it melts, creating a colorful, glassy surface upon cooling. After the enamel is applied, the object is fired, polished, and sometimes gilded, resulting in vibrant patterns and images with a distinguished, glossy finish. This meticulous process makes cloisonné particularly valued in the creation of intricate jewelry, decorative panels, and accessories, showcasing detailed craftsmanship and artistic detail.

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